FG Xpress - Online Global Business Compensation Plan
FG XPRESS Compensation Plan
What is FG XPRESS X-5 Comp Plan?
WELCOME to the real power of FG XPRESS Compensation Plan
Simple duplication system.
Create, Teach and Repeat
A Seamless Global Comp Plan
There are 5 STREAMS of income with FG XPRESS Compensation Plan that operate individually, but also simultaneously.
1 Fast Start Bonus
2 Xtribe Bonus
3 Matching Bonus
4 Team Bonus
5 Rank Bonus
Please watch the following video slide presentation as it will explain how this Hybrid Comp Planworks and what potential income is available to those who grasp the POWER of this system and make it work for them and their team.
I hope you were able to see the speed with which you can grow YOUR business, if we all do a little. FG XPRESS Compensation Plan, as you can see, gives you the potential to grow your business locally AND globally right from the start.
With FG XPRESS and their patented PowerStrips™ and X-5 Comp Plan, you have the ability not only to help you relieve physical pain but financial pain as well and HELP so many others do the same.
Would that wonderful feeling be something which YOU would enjoy experiencing?
Start your FG XPRESS business today for only $12.00 – It’s that easy!
Latest Rank Recognition Implimentation by FGXpress