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Alpha 3 CMP Marine Phytoplankton 

What Is Marine Phytoplankton?


Here is the short version: (if you want the long version please Google it)

It is the MOST Powerful and Essential food on EARTH.

And is now considered a “Super food” by experts.

Marine phytoplankton is at the very bottom of the food chain.

Think beginning!


And it feeds over 99% of all Ocean Life and supports 100% of ALL life on the planet (directly and indirectly).


If marine phytoplankton ceased to exist… life on Earth would die off like a domino effect, one after another.


We have only scraped the surface of how IMPORTANT Marine Phytoplankton is. Here are two more facts you must know…


  • According to NASA research, it is responsible for producing up to 90% of the Earth’s oxygen… (Compare this to a mature tree that only creates enough oxygen for two human beings)…


  • Its main “JOB” is to turn inorganic raw material (like seawater, minerals, sunlight and CO2) into over 100′s of living edible, organic nutrients… (This includes vitamins, bio-available minerals, all amino acids, essential Omega 3 fatty acids, carotenoids and more!)…


In other words…


Marine Phytoplankton has fed life ON THIS PLANET as we know it since the beginning of time!


The story of the Man and the Sea … Tom Harper. YOU have to listen to his story!

After hearing Tom’s story, I wanted to know more …and where I could get it!


Marine Phytoplankton Alpha 3 CMP


Now considered a “Super Food” by experts. These microscopic organisms made life possible on our planet.


If we were to think what do all the nutritionally rich vegetables, fruits, plants, flowers and other super foods have in common, the answer would be: Marine Phytoplankton. They wouldn’t exist if marine phytoplankton did not initially create the atmosphere as we know it.


Marine Phytoplankton’s NUTRITION is so dense it can sustain life and provide optimal regeneration and energy to EVERY cell in our body.


SolarStrips are the newest, most convenient way to enjoy the raw food benefits of Tom’s Marine Phytoplankton.


Ingredients in the SolarStrips™ go thru the “AMP natural process” which is a technology exclusive to ForeverGreen/FG XPRESS.

This makes the nutrition available for your body, by making them water-soluble. This is important, because our BODIES are 70% water.


Most supplements are poorly absorbed due to the oil form of it’s elements. We all know that water and oil won’t integrate, but by “AMPing” the elements, these oils become water soluble and they become instantly bio-available.


Alpha 3 CMP™


Condensed Marine Phytoplankton is a unique nutrient-rich blend of marine phytoplankton harvested from the PRISTINE temperate coastal waters of the Pacific Northwest.


What makes these temperate waters an exceptional cauldron of life is the way in which ocean tides interact with fresh water, creating turbulence that draws even more deep water nutrients and supporting a diverse array of marine phytoplankton species. National Geographic, (Aug.2006).


The proprietary patent pending process harvests natural seawater, capturing the marine phytoplankton in million-liter tanks.


This are the only known products to take natural marine phytoplankton communities containing a complete suite of marine trace elements in proportion to those found naturally in human tissue.


Throughout this unique growing and harvesting process, quality control and testing is employed to ensure the HIGHEST quality product, providing assurance that no pathogens, toxins, heavy metals or contamination has occurred to the natural marine phytoplankton.


The concentrated paste CONTAINS a variety of over 200 species (primarily from the larger, nutrient-rich Bacillariophyceae classification commonly known as diatoms).


Through the harvesting process the Company’s patent pending proprietary technology breaks down the cellular walls, separating the silicate walls and RELEASING the nutrients that are otherwise encapsulated.


This process, UNLIKE any other known to man today, makes the nutrients immediately bio-available.


The raw paste at this point contains approximately 85% water. It next goes to a state-of-the-art phytopharmaceutical production facility, licensed and certified GMP (Good Manufacturing Processes) by Health Canada, where it is further concentrated, passing through the highest standard quality assurance procedures (sanitized and stabilized) to certify Alpha 3 CMP™ safe for human consumption.


What ForeverGreen / FG XPRESS has done is give your body 37.5mg of pure, bio-available marine phytoplankton in a delicious dissolving breath strip, called SolarStrips.


Add the MOST Powerful and Essential food on EARTH to your daily routine starting Today.


In this video Medical Director Dr. Becky Maes explains SolarStrips


WHAT they are and HOW they work

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